Good morning!
WOW! I feel "fat" today LOL. I experienced some gluten exposure on the weekend, which bloats me ALL over my body. I had some seriously sharp cramps in my gut and then the bloating started... as much as I don't want to "own" the diagnoses, I do experience Celiac....and I am okay with that. I even saw a picture of myself and saw how distended my belly was. THAT moment in seeing that and then not being able to eat without wanting to gag....honestly this weekend will probably sit for a long time in my memory as one that I felt a distinct separation from what was happening in my body and what I felt in my spirit.
You see, years ago I would have been in a more fearful state about the damage that is being done that I can't see...I wasn't fully able to connect in with my body to know how to "fix" it in those situations and it would get me down pretty quick....and that's where I would start on myself to take better care of my body. But today, I'm not beating myself up about the exposure and the choice I made. Not to say that there isn't a "critical" voice in that headspace of mine groaning with disappointment for coming "off track" as it were, but I have a much LOUDER voice in my head that is celebrating as well as chiming in with compassion.
"Bah! That DID suck. You totally missed the label with that one and it's a good thing you know how to rebound from this. Focus on not being in brain fog and the rest will follow....." The primary ethos in my head now is "No judgment zone". It doesn't mean that "judgment" doesn't chime in from time to time, but then it shifts to compassion and accountability pretty quick. I still experience resistance to moving forward in the "right" direction....or the direction of my goals and aligning to what I "know". I am grateful and I know it's common for others to feel and experience that too. We all get bogged down from time to time....the key is knowing you don't "have to" stay there for any amount of can shift in whatever time you choose....for me right now, quicker is better.
I'm saying all this to SIMPLY say 

....we all may stumble at times and not feel at our fullest or best, but we are supported more than we know or sometimes, more than we allow. I allowed myself to feel supported and reminded about my health this weekend instead of crashing and hiding out until I felt better. And I am using it as a springboard for this week...who knew?? I am actually super hyped to be going in a different direction that also aligns with where my family is shifting as well. I like it better as a journey with others instead of just me. It can be hard at times to shift in a new direction, and that's where grace and compassion as we learn or apply something makes a big difference as we work towards achieving the life we want to be living. With that, have a great day today