Good morning! I've currently been steeped in an original focus was my sleep cycle. I was fine with my sleep cycle and was feeling rested, but because it didn't line up with others, it looked like to others that all I did was sleep all day. SO I tried in shifting the hours around and pushing myself to stay awake when what I really wanted was a the end, I was more miserable, less productive, and OFF task and goal. I killed out what would seem like a month or so of what I was in the routine of doing for myself.
So I figured maybe I wasn't as rested as I think I am. Tried to sleep more...ugh! Now I was up at hours I would normally be sleeping and started experiencing pain in my joints, etc. More sleep was NOT better.
NOW, I was left with....weight gain, out of schedule and routine, pain, and frustration....just because I thought I would "try" to shift and switch to fit better with the routines around me ....I missed my beautiful morning time BEFORE others woke up the most

...the part after I prayed as I woke up...the reading, the working out, the play time and writing....well, in the end of it all, what was gained from that side of the experiment? A lot of stuff came out...about expectations...about not accepting others where they are at...about trying to fit a square peg into a round hole...about being flexible (because we can)...about being more loving and compassionate ...about working together as a team....about staying centered and aligned with your core values...about valuing and appreciating and SEEING one another and the contribution we all give to anothers' life...
AND now ... I chose to get back on track with my original focus of continued detox, and immune and metabolic support (another experiment

) and my skin has significantly improved, recovery time has decreased, and I am back to my original sleep pattern

(which I have had for over 30 years)... now to layer in some super human training

and see how far this puppy will go

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