Good morning! We are constantly in an experience with change. This year I released over 15 pounds of weight....AND then I changed things up to move into heavy metal detox ....while doing boot camp and picking up trail rumming (I meant running, the "rumming" would be a different group
) ... the latter part is completely new to me in combo....way more activity than I was used to...or enjoy...with that, I gave up on the "number" and focused on the activity.... And then I took a course...and if I don't sit, I don't take the time to get cerebral and was outside of what I was used to, but I gave it my focus because it was something I really enjoyed....both were happening outside of what I was in the habit of doing to some degree, but not outside of what I intended for my life....I expect to grow and change...

We are constantly and flux....I know I am. Exploring, discovering, trying something new, shifting experiences....with all that, it is important to give yourself a landing point at the end of the day. Something that is regular in practice....something that supports you...that gives you space to reflect and observe from. For me, what has worked best was actually what I took the course for....our "foundational" mindset is what goes with us no matter what we are's like the "spine" in our "body" of life. If we remain supported by our mindset as we go through all these changes we experience, we get to see more and more of how we can actually direct a more meaningful intention from our thoughts and actions....diving more and more into what it is we would like to have in life and stepping away from those things that don't help to support us.
Looking back on the year and going over my intentions that I had set beforehand, I checked off having met quite a few of the "to-do's" on the list...great! HOWEVER, after they were met, were they kept sustainable? HAHAHA....not some of them will be moved into my core circle of consistency and others into sustainable activities I do in my life. Why not KEEP the good that you achieve and continue to help that grow in your life? Why not make it a sustainable part of your lifestyle?
And with that said, off to contribute more, simple, and sustainable things that will become the core of my lifestyle by this time next year

#thankyouGod #dailydevotions #CommittoLiving #Lovefirst #keeponMoving #YESweCan #readytogrow
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