Curry and Rice and "Peas" cooked and FINALLY filling the house with the smell of baking gingerbread cookies

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Curry and Rice and "Peas" cooked and FINALLY filling the house with the smell of baking gingerbread cookies
Good morning! We are constantly in an experience with change. This year I released over 15 pounds of weight....AND then I changed things up to move into heavy metal detox ....while doing boot camp and picking up trail rumming (I meant running, the "rumming" would be a different group
#thankyouGod #dailydevotions #CommittoLiving #Lovefirst #keeponMoving #YESweCan #readytogrow
Good morning! As I sit here this morning realizing something is officially "gone" and unable to be recalled, I realize that yesterday was both the END of an Era and the beginning of what is to come.
Good morning! Reflecting on 2017 highlights....I made many people cry....with encouragement and with new perspectives...
Good morning! DANG! I get it...the phrase "...can't even..." is really in the middle of a breath and thought that is in the battle of being overcome LOL. You gotta FIGHT for it interrupt a thought that is not serving you...OR stop yourself...and shift gears in situations that could take a wrong turn....
Good morning! I've currently been steeped in an original focus was my sleep cycle. I was fine with my sleep cycle and was feeling rested, but because it didn't line up with others, it looked like to others that all I did was sleep all day. SO I tried in shifting the hours around and pushing myself to stay awake when what I really wanted was a the end, I was more miserable, less productive, and OFF task and goal. I killed out what would seem like a month or so of what I was in the routine of doing for myself.
Good morning! WOW! After over a week of "fun" and standing firm ....I have been gifted with yet another level of viewing....I have been graced with a softer and deeper voice again....the furrow in my brow has deepened with expression...things that I used to pay deep attention to while I was doing it have now become second nature...and I have been unwrapping my amazing gift of Presence that is not just for me, but for everyone I encounter.
Good morning.
A big image just came to me...(it's a running theme in a few of my paintings...) ....A seed must crack in order to open and grow....are we stuck with wanting to be a seed and not wanting to be "broken" ? Or are we willing to open up and "break" in order to experience the fullness of potential our lives can be?...Anyways...I'm gonna chew on that "cud" today...