Good morning! Crazy dream last night (LOL secret agent style) and oddly it reminded me of a poop.

Funny and not funny at the same was more about the practice of rubbing a face in it ...most often use with dogs to house train them (there are other ways). And even better still, I realized that we as humans are doing it ...all the time! (generalized statement) We are rubbing our own faces and the faces of others in proverbial poop....when we beat ourselves up about something...when we use the poop of yesteryear as proof of "poop" as a result in the future...when we stay stuck as though our foot is trapped in a big pile of poop that we had stepped in....when we believe we are deserving of strife and punishment for having pooped instead being clean and fresh from poop because we had pooped before (even though we wiped our bums and washed our hands)... and even hold other people's former poops against them (for a proverbial eternity). WOW! Was this in my dream? Nope... I really enjoyed a good poop this morning and left it behind...I flushed it, washed my hands and carried on. Why? Because, believe it or not, our poop is supposed to be left behind us...not carried with us as a sack of burden into our futures or passed on to future generations....this is not about letting go, but about letting things be what they are and where they are meant to be. And then looking ahead, unmired and free of smears. Stuff happens, life happens, imperfectly progressing...we eat, we poop, we move on.
Like the dream I had was it serving me? It wasn't. And I couldn't make it into a better story if I I woke up and began my day. Done. Stop with the face poop...stop carrying around a bag a poop like a poop martyr and enjoy your next meal/moment/experience. Enjoy the day.

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