Good morning! Gotta love transitions....gotta love changes in behaviour...and gotta love those that take opportunity....
But two questions come to mind this morning as I have been loving up on my teen boys and their self-discovery....what is driving you? And what result are you ultimately imagining?
Because then the first statement could be one of celebration or of sarcasm....
Because then you might just see that the result you really want is not in your own life success and joy, but moreso (what are you focusing on most?) to see the proof of someone failing and ultimately crushed in defeat.
Because the opportunity you take to encourage someone else might be clouded with the hopes that they like you and less on them actually being encouraged.
Because, this morning as I scrolled a little through the newsfeed I saw a little less love and a lot more focus on blame and wishing ill on others....blaming someone for the state of the world...for crisis....for why you can't do what you really want to do....for why this and why that....and it reminds me of my week with one teen who was more grumpy than usual (disappointed in himself) and another who is actually trying to improve his mindset even though he has been struggling. Looks like similar frustration, but one went to feeding negative thoughts and the other was counting his wins....One smiled more to himself this week and felt encouraged, the other showed up for his tasks and was procrastinating at the same time...looked the same...felt different.
So no matter what "mask" you think you are putting on, just remember, you can't see it on your own face. Focus....on how YOU are growing and changing and experiencing the life that you would love to be in....more and more. I celebrate your unmasking when everyone else may be putting on theirs 

Enjoy a beautiful weekend 

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