Wow! Good morning
...When a person of strength and ability. ...a person who handles a lot of different tasks and circumstances. ...when this person gets overwhelmed, who can handle it? Who can share in their struggles? Who can help them to bear up under the weight of it all? Can those who are often overwhelmed even fathom what it takes to overwhelm the strong? I am beyond blessed to have that example in my life of someone of great strength, love, compassion...strong in heart and mind and STILL willing to call upon his friends to be with him in his hour of overwhelm...he shared his sorrow and asked for their companionship. He went deep into prayer...and even though his friends couldn't be all that he needed, they still responded to the call to be there and support. It is not all for the "strong" ones to bear my friends...we are all here to do our support when we see others need help in the ways we can best believe that our contribution, no matter how small we perceive it, that we can ALL be built up and be encouraged together, "weak" and "strong" alike. When we love first in any given situation, what is right, beneficial, and needed will come forth...we may not all have the right answers, but we do have a great capacity to love if we let it.
Much love 
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