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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sail on! It's a GOOD day!

 Good morning! How is it not? Birds are singing, Sun Is shining, family is breathing, and I get to be grateful for it all. And in moments of life when the strong winds blow in, insisting on change that is due, then sometimes it seems hard to be grateful and balanced. When running is the pace and you want to be walking, it may seem hard to stop and catch a breath...My only suggestion is to observe. ..the pace is slower in the space of observation. ..the view is wider...and the head and heart can be more at ease...there is acknowledgment there...a remembering that occurs...and it's easier to adjust your direction (sails)...

Decisions are calling on the waves rolling in and I wish to give them a name before they reach the shore...I am grateful for this last week and how many hands unfolded open...showing me the gift that I am and the gifts that I hold and have not given love to...what is natural for me to be in and how "resistance" has proved as confirmation. It's alredy official before it has come into reality...and I know, because I am observing that I am no longer on the shore and watching it become distant in the horizon...Now would be the time to turn around and participate in where I am heading next...
Enjoy your journey you friends... ❤

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