Good morning! Great day of being me yesterday...beautiful confession of the soul and realization...made wonderful and unexpected connections by transit and with people...I allowed myself to receive the gifts that are all around us in the people we meet and serve...their gratitude is just waiting to shower you if you let it....wonderful prayer that closed the evening with repentance and sharing one of the true distinctions of discipleship...
And then waking to prayer and gratitude this morning...I will not go without saying that it is NOT easy, and I do...struggle daily with thoughts that seek entertaining and fulfillment but lack the fullness of fruit and benefit that inspires...however, my actions surprise me moment to moment, proving that loving first is the simplest choice, and if you give yourself permission to find the easiest and best way to be, it will choose for love every time.
Allowing for simple and best today.
Have a wonderful day!! (it's already happening with fullness and wonder...experience it

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