Good morning! When it feels like something just SUCKS in life (or life sucks in general)....sucking your energy, your joy, all of your waking thoughts....just sucking, sucking, sucking... like a vacuum. And sucking all your powerful attention and just sucks to be in the pull of a vacuum.
But good thing, vacuums have to be plugged in and turned on in order to operate. What if, the energy that you feel is being sucked is actually the energy the vacuum is plugged in to? Safely, turn off the switch (stop giving your attention to the vacuum) and pull the plug (remove your energy from the sucking machine
)....Now let the dust settle and see what is going on...perhaps use a broom and dust pan...perhaps polish and shine...acknowledge what good is in your space and life and stop plugging into vacuity.

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." See? Flipped the switch and focused on fullness in each moment, it's a switch.
Have a great and full day 

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