Good morning!
How great is your faith (life) that you would see miraculous wonders and fruition, not only in the generations to come, but in your waking life as it is now? In awe to be blessed in the enJOYing of the fruits of Faith...not just requested by the generations that preceded me, but also from my own simple prayers. I will add to the faith continuum today and put forward more beneficial requests into its stream.
Have an amazing and joyful weekend
(wow, Valentine's and Family Day LONG LOVEly is that?

#thankyouGod #Faithislife #loveisflowing #continueinYourflow #beyondwhatsgood #greatANDfull #prayeriseternal
"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these..." John 14:12
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