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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, January 26, 2013

How do you deal with YOUR shadows?

 Okay, It's a week early, but I am trumping the whole tradition thing.....SO WHAT if the groundhog sees his shadow?!?

Let's take a good look at the mood of our responses to the "siting" of a groundhog's shadows (consider your own "shadows")....Are you REALLY going to let it get you down and negative and go and hide out in a "hole" just lie this little rodent? Bringing on a dread and grudge in your hearts and minds (funny to think that it has been a tradition to do this....) instead of just living in the moment knowing that the next season will come the same as it does every year.
And how do we deal with our "shadows"? Do we consider what our "shadows" may be indicating? What is hiding in the shadows? And even better still, what does a shadow that appears actually indicate? ....The presence of light!!! Maybe shedding some more light on those darker places may help us to see what is truly there and if indeed it needs more light in order to grow and produce fruit instead of struggle with with flickers of light (consideration) and produce weak roots....Giving attention and consideration to all areas of my life (well-lit and shadowed) from the inspiration of a groundhog....nice!
So next week, when the "groundhog" emerges from its "lair" and sees the presence of light...let hope for an emergence into the light of day instead of the scuttling back into the darker depths of its hole for a few more weeks. #Springiscoming #loveandlight #springcleaning

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