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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, February 1, 2016

Look TO Love for solutions

 Good morning! At least I am going to trust that it will be. I know that there are some of you out there. the pain of the throws of loneliness the crippling sting of lost love and hope...yet you are still breathing and wondering why. I know because I have been there...and maybe still there...but my main point being. ..beyond the desire for the "fix", beyond the desire to have the heaviness from my chest removed. ...beyond wanting for almost anything else but "this", is two main things... (maybe 3)...I AM grateful! (Don't suck your teeth and turn your head...I have grown and gained incredible insight in some very dark hours...just by looking to what I am grateful for and what I can be)...and 2, I look for the love (or where it has been forgotten ). And my gift is...I know what love looks like (in my life...although when applied in the lives of others it looks and feels pretty much the same ). Anytime I look TO LOVE for solutions, I'm given a way out. A light in the darkness. Go to love, be in it, and given some time, you will find your way.

(P.S. if you feel compelled to comment , please share)

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