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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, January 21, 2022

Taking yourself a little more seriously.

 Good mawning!

Taking yourself a little more seriously.

This week I have been reminded of changes I made YEARS ago!

Back then I would have said I was being stubborn...NOT wanting to listen to the suggestion of someone who gave me a tip for my health.

I was in the experience of MULTIPLE migraines and headaches a week. And I often felt nauseous when I ate certain foods.

After being diagnosed as having a hypersensitivity to chlorine, I took SOME of the doctor's advice and reduced my pool time (I was on the swim team) and showers. But it wasn't until YEARS later I applied the last tip around using filtered water.

When I finally tried out a friends suggestion, I noticed the impact right away, but I can still remember how I dismissed it first.

"It couldn't be making that much of a difference, could it...?"

But it wasn't until I was SICK of feeling sick that I finally asked myself a question that helped shift me going forward...

"But what if it does help?"

So I tried it. And not just one time with a heart full of doubt. I gave myself 3 months inside the experiment and observations to see improvements in my health... and also "testing" with my rebellious nature and seeing the difference.

After those 3 months, I started looking for others super simple things I was in the habit of overlooking that I could "upgrade".

But it wasn't about the upgrade. I was about me. How many ways was I "dismissing" myself and my well-being? How was I continuing to NOT love myself more to love my own health and vitality? How was I letting limits and old beliefs keep me FROM the life I wanted to be living?

MORE serious....more honest with myself and more loving TOWARD myself. Not too serious, but just enough.

My wellness matters.

MY wellness matters!! And so does yours. And I can see it on the "faces" and in the eyes of those around me.

I wake up EACH day will my first thought toward feeling good...or at least better. I am already "there" great. Let me USE that vitality in my day.

How do you take more steps toward your well-being?

Whatever the step, keep it simple to start.

#ThankyouGod #simpleandconsistent #trusttheprocess #healthandwellness #backtobasics

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