Good mawning.
This is what it is...for now.
As I was doing my son's hair the other day (yes, the mythical proportion head of hair
), we had many chats.

First was to address the issue of his tone toward his brother. Heavy with expectations and frustrated with "non-compliance" to those expectations.
LOL can you relate with being frustrated with people? To how they are NOT living up to your expectations of and for them? And if they would just_______ (fill in the blank), everything would be better?
I understood his frustration. Also knowing that his "expectations" were coming more from a space of control instead of collaboration with his brother.
So I stated that I could relate and shared the story of potty training an eager 1 year old. Always wanting to sit on the potty and sometimes would do something...but most often held the best for last just after getting his pull up on. It went back and forth like this for....3 years.
I expected of him to just "get it" already! If he could just be trained, we could all get on with our lives. Even the mom shaming of not being "able" to train my kid from others who didn't realize I had an older child and had successfully been through this process before.
It wasn't until one day I said to myself "Fine. If he was to be diapered for life, would that be fine?" I accepted the possibility that it would be permanent. I put him back in more prompting. Pressure to train and change him was gone. And then I could freely love him with compassion "as is", not as an annoying or frustrating child in my life.
Loving acceptance allows compassion to enter in.
Are there people in your life that you wish would "just change"? Are there those who you feel have ruined your life and you avoid because even the mention of them brings it all raw and real?
Needless to say, my son is almost a man now, and he wears "big kid undies". I released the struggle. That was all mine. To my surprise, I showed up in love and observation. The picture was bigger than I was allowing myself to see (and be).
Yesterday, he spoke to his brother different. He got to see the response he was hoping "he" could force him to do.
If you notice an area in life in which you find resistance or you feel like you are struggling....What could you bring acceptance to in your life? Where would compassion help you right now?
Just a side note, we got his hair done in almost record time 

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