Good morning!
It's been almost 6 years since the car accident...
And what was the first thing I made sure to do to get back at truly LIVING again?
Connect in with gratitude and joyful living.
Some people tried to impose worry, caution, and other fear-based "protective" responses when they heard about it... out of love. (Can fear and love be in the same space?) They tried to bring me back into the situation to make different choices and run different scenarios.
But when you are aware that you did everything that you could do in that moment AND that the moment was no longer active in your reality, then you realize, such practices just keep triggering threat and dread and don't even help you access the part of your thinking that can learn and move on from a situation. It not a serving practice.
Do you have a situation or scenario in your life that you feel a constant sense of threat from?
It's very possible, especially in our current experience in society. But if I did learn anything from another NDE in my life is that.... in order to truly LIVE in our lives, there must be gratitude and joy present.
We are designed to have gratitude and joy. Our brains are wired and ready for it. And our optimal functioning and experience kinda depends on us being and perceiving safety and allowing ourselves to appreciate it.
So what things did I do? I went back to my original plan of enjoying summer vacation with the boys. Out adventuring, playing, riding bikes, and enjoying nature and the sun.
I meditated. I enjoyed the healing and soothing feeling of being present in my own skin. Deep breaths in and slow breaths out and smiling.
I reminded myself of my ability to do things well, including driving. I trusted myself to make good and informed choices, because I learn from my experiences (and the experience of others) and I enjoy growing and learning each day.
I smelled the flowers, felt the sun on my face, listened to the birds, soaked into my daily experiences and successes and continued a bit more and a bit better each day.
I continued in my LIVING and LOVING as I awoke each day 

Check in with yourself....are you experiencing a level of heart-filling love and joy each day. Even if it is just one deep breath of gratitude in a small moment... are you grateful for YOUR presence in THIS life?
Living life full. John 10:10. I love that scripture... and live that reminder. AND...I see where there is room to grow even MORE into that fullness.
We are not done yet, so we get to reach in and see how we can delight in this experience of life just a little bit more each day.
We inspire children to do why not the same as we continue?
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