This was yesterday. We are gonna get out again today.
We were all diagnosed with Celiac years ago. My doctor had suspected after I had tried an elimination diet. My bloodwork had improved for certain things and when I reintroduced progressively with rye (my favourite bread), and then spelt...didn't go well. Don't even get me started on the barley 


Anyways, before that I was struggling with immunosuppression. Couldn't figure out what or where, but that ride was a rollercoaster. You overlook "little" things at first until you look back after a crazy infection and realize...the little things should NOT be overlooked.
It was never just "allergy season", or I didn't sleep "well", or I'm just a little "tired" today or even that food was "funny" and my tummy hurts. Those were sign posts. And truly, how do we "really" know right?
We actually can know. Through mindful and daily observation and self check ins. Through being honest with ourselves especially...I've built up a relationship of awareness for myself over the years. And as things changed for me, I adapted. Even though now it's an autoimmunity experience, I'm still mindful of triggers. My immune system is extra ready to fight is the way I like to put it LOL.
And, what I do to manage our immunity now is the same that I apply in managing our mindset too.
Constantly staying mindful and aware of our environment (we try and keep it toxin free), our foods (primarily whole food plant based diet), our hydration, our relationships (keep them loving and compassionate) and where our thinking is at (non serving thoughts affect our bodies).
We were doing that check in yesterday. We'll be checking in again today.
Do you check in with yourself and listen/notice? How are YOU doing today? 

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