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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Allowing yourself to be still and know you are not broken

 Good morning!

Last day of September and the day before a new month and full moon.
And mental wellness is at the forefront of my mind. Why? Because I know the struggle others face. And those who see me, also see the freedom of expression and the safety to share their stories as I walk in mine.
It's not a a fight as much as it is an allowing....Allowing yourself to be still and not "have to" fight thoughts and expectations.
I know a lot of people who vacation and escape to "favourite" places for that opportunity of stillness and not "having to" that their "regular" life expects of them. Many retreats that offer the tranquility of peace and reflection. We run "to" these things with fervor...most likely because it's a space we need to allow ourselves to be in more often.
I'm here to share a belief I hold....that there is nothing wrong or broken about you. YOUR journey is yours. Your existence and resonance is valued. As you breathe, so do we all. Just the beating of your heart can influence those around you up to 3ft away (some say further).
CONNECTION! Within you and with others. Allow yourself the space to connect in to the space within you where you are whole and accepted with divine intention. Allow that to resonate from you and to be shared with others.
I accept! I accept the parts of me that are edgy and "salty" and I accept the parts of me that are forgiving, insightful, and compassionate. And I allow the one to serve to the good of the other for beneficial wholeness....NO MATTER WHAT my day or circumstances are looking's the life I am living and I trust that it gets better and better...even 1% at a time.
So enjoy this day....and continue to allow for your personal wellness. It's not just for you, but for us all ❤

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Contentment - Good morning post, Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Good morning!

It wasn't until I died and came back that I realized in what ways I wasn't truly living.

Currently I am in STILL growing in living my life fully within my physical experience. Each day it has felt that I have achieved 1% better than the day before. Well, it's coming on 15 years of 1% better steps into sinking into the FULLNESS that is my life.

I have definitely felt stalled in the process along the way. Almost 4 years into this "Second chance" journey, I went through an experience that rocked me to say the least, and left me disconnected from my experience here on earth. I struggled with wanting to depart or just wanting to stay in my spiritual head space as my body began to suffer.

And what I have learned most and am I still in the practice of (one day I will fully "feel" into it), is to have contentment, FULL contentment with where and how I am now AS I imagine and dream for what's to come.

CONTENTMENT! To look around within my life and actually WANT and appreciate what it is that I have now ...without begrudging or wishing things away. Recognizing the temporary nature of any circumstance and staying present and centered IN my experience while seeing how my present contributes to the future that I imagine.

Yes, there are some things I would like to change. And as I am in the process of changing those things, I get the gift of recognizing that they are indeed changing....and so am I. I get to be refined into the person I will need to be in order to fully enjoy the unfolding and the result of my dreams coming to reality.

Imagine, if you were to remain miserable and unsatisfied by anything AND the thing that you have desired has now become a part of your life. Well, now you are miserable and unsatisfied with most everything and your joy now rests outside of you in a thing that is also temporary.

There is so much that is unknown about the future (all of it really), but there is one thing that I know now in this moment, I want to enjoy what it is I have, FULLY! So that when "next" comes along I will also enjoy "that" fully as well. The thing I feel certain of is that I will be a joy-filled and appreciative person in my journey, even when some things feel sucky, I can see it as temporary and find contentment in that.

So for today, I am here, I am joy-loving, I am contented.

#thankyouGod #everydayallday #INjoy #contentment #phil4four #philfour11 #focusonwhatICANdoandenjoy