Good morning! Have you ever gone camping and you are enjoying your sleep when someone has to go to the "pottie" and turns ON the flashlight? In the midst of the dark all of a sudden this bright BLAST of light shines in your eyes and good luck nuzzling back into that comfy spot

Well, this morning I felt like I rolled over into the glare of a flashlight LOL ...again.
The glare from the numbers on the alarm clock glowing at me like I should be reading it like a horoscope...the only thing I could really see since it's relatively dark....might as well jump on the scale and check that number too while I am at it since I am up and have to pee now (good news, having to go pee is not what woke me up
It's different when it's a one time thing that you know won't be your daily experience, but if it becomes a daily thing then you should probably adjust it so it doesn't keep disturbing you at a pinnacle point in the day...make adjustments....So I did

I do wake up early in the morning naturally and I do not rely on or use an alarm's not for me, unless I am heading somewhere at an unnatural time for me (like midnight) and then need some help to get up. But in recent years, I like my larger cluster of sleep in a particular way....angled (inclined), cool, dark, as I got up to cover the alarm clock and laid back down, I tried breathing deep to possibly drift back into a slumber....but my mind was on "go" mode already from the green light of the alarm clock LOL....I decided to use that time instead to check body and language...
Now it's been an extended quiet time instead of frustrating myself with "trying" to do something I know wasn't going to happen in that moment. AND I made the adjustments for tomorrow's restful sleep already. Quick and need to overthink it...and help to make it all work out for my benefit (because it really is

Alrighty, going to make more of this "extra" time count this morning

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