Good morning! Today's reflection comes courtesy of SNACKS!
WHEN you get to the point when something is no longer an occasional food but a daily occurence, you've started on the slippery slope to a whole new level. LOL so yesterday when we were at the Art Walk, we got barraged by the beautiful smells of food....and with my boys carrying their own money, they decided they wanted to buy something. It was at that point I declared, 'these foods no longer qualify as treats if you have them every day'. And it stopped us in our tracks... the boys had a shocked look (only one boy really... LOL) on his face...and then I chimed in saying veggies will now qualify as treats. A unanimous nod went through and we all knew that 1. That was a lie...and 2. That it was time to flip the coin and start diving in and celebrating our healthy 'treats' again. We simply just changed direction in that moment and went home with a basket of 'treat' organic cherries.
As I continue to write my chapter on Repentance, this loving example of a 180 degree change of direction sits as a great example of ease and we all have the choice to change and make it as easy or as difficult as we want to.
Enjoy a wonder filled Sunday
And maybe another visit to the Art Walk today 

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