Good morning! "...because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort."
This past weekend, I am going to highlight for you some of the things that stood out for me....Lack of sleep, staying awake while driving 3 hours to get to a conference, disappointment and not able to be present in encouragement, eating a soup that didn't sit well with me (LOL everything was fine before the soup
), stomach cramps and bloating, switching tables and sitting beside someone wearing irritating fragrance, STILL tired, head out for a date night, struggle to find parking, disappointment with the yam fries, people walking and driving wherever they want LOL (wrong way on a one way), still triggered by synthetic fragrance irritants (I'm sensitive)...can't get a good sleep, too hot, wake up early to drive again
, still a lack of sleep, more overly scented individuals (at this point I am beyond my threshold and tasting it in my mouth), plans to connect more with others fell through...

HAHAHA....whoever posts that stuff???? Well, maybe some do but not necessarily on my one wants to be a "downer" right?
BUT it was in all those moments that connections were being made. Encouragement was being given, and the aspect that stood out the most....vulnerability was being embraced and deepened connection and intimacy. ACCEPTING others in these moments knowing that we may have also struggled or haven't been at our opens up a world of love and comfort. We get to know and experience that we are not alone.

Do you find yourself shocked about how some people show up in a "not so great" moment and fail to remember (or recognize) that you have done the same in some way? I have had the "best" of ugly moments....makes me feel relatable to those who show up in some of the "worst" ways LOL....and with that, I share compassion...knowing that it is temporary....that there are probably moments where they are good people as well....and going with the flow of knowing we are all FULL packages and not just a bunch of parts.
I share this to say, don't be so quick with the idea to CUT OUT or cut off "parts" of you that you decided you don't like without first observing what it has shared with you...what you have it has helped you to make a choice for the better....and with that, then you can move forward more freely, having shared in your suffering and grow into something more for yourself and others. 

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