All get one pic of his hair freshly out of the braids...LOL love this guy

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
All get one pic of his hair freshly out of the braids...LOL love this guy
Good morning! This is a pic from our 3rd mountain hike/run trip in less than a year. Our first one was much further but flatter... this trip after running some crazy trails and learning skills from great runners...this was the first I had so many people telling us HOW to hike. One guy who was getting frustrated with me not "heeding" to his advice didn't see me help a lady, paralyzed in fear, find her way down out of a difficult spot an hour before. He didn't see me show my sons the way in which to come down (I gave them choices) that he was pointing at as better examples than me standing....and he didn't see me doing the same moments before. I was getting annoyed by his insistence....not because he didn't know, but because I decided to try coming down in a different way and he was in the way LOL.
The gift of common ground.
Newsfeed inspirations for today....
Good morning! "...because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort."
Lunch is ready! Pumpkin spaghetti with tomato sauce and greens.
As we are preparing dinner, I am constantly reminded of what IS possible when it comes to food and nutrition. Limited budget or not...and I say this because I know what our highs and lows of "affordability" have been when it comes to our groceries. We eat our meals, our snacks, and even treats with a stronger sense of appreciation...especially in the last year, and we have growing and healthy children.