A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning! Gotta love transitions....gotta love changes in behaviour...and gotta love those that take opportunity....
Good morning! My reflections lately have been around relationships. I've been observing what speaks to people in terms of motivation, comradery, buzzing with the hive and what people will accept as people understanding where they are at.
Good morning! This morning I feel so out of step.....the refining process is smelting stuff to the surface not just in myself, but those around me, around us, and throughout the world. All the crap is coming to the surface...
Thanksgiving "leftovers" pizza with quinoa crust... #whynot #vegan #vegetarian #comfortfoods #turnuptheheat
Not really a recipe...sprout quinoa (I used 2 cups for the 4 of us), drain and blend with seasonings (salt, pepper, etc.), a little water and oil....bake until not goey...and then toppings...
Good morning!! LOL feel "stuffed" this morning after a wonderful weekend of connection, support, encouragement, and experiences.
Good morning! Crazy dream last night (LOL secret agent style) and oddly it reminded me of a poop.