Good morning! The big thought going through my head this morning. ..Life to the Full. Even now as I sit here wondering where my hair brush got to after we piled all our stuff into the house after getting back from our week long "vacay" in the hospital, I can't recall what J was looking for or asking about last night... (oh wait! I remember and STILL can't recall LOL) ...If it was within the last week, then yes, I may remember, but beyond that, ifit's a minor will take some digging. So MUCH has been packed into the last week AND the last month. ..that I marvel at those who do more. I need space...empty, unappointed, off-task space (and time). I'm so grateful that even though I got enough calls and messages over the last week to equate 4 months of previous communications, that the rest of the time was spent in Being and observation mode. And after enjoying a luxurious dinner of napping last night, it will be good to get used to our new level of fullness and make more space for remembering

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