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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, March 6, 2017

Are you in the habit of knowing what to do and not doing it? Time for a change

 Good morning! not being feeling the full whip of the sting of not choosing #Lovefirst knowing what is good, kind, "proper", supportive, beneficial, encouraging, uplifting, and loving to do and being in the HABIT of NOT doing it. seeing someone struggle or being in need and NOT choosing to meet that need. Not even trying to consider yourself strong enough, kind enough, wise enough, or even loving enough to meet the need and encouragement of another. To allow these fruitless and powerless actions to have substance in your life. So be it! It is done!

Last night the yeast of this plagued our family... we lived this fruitlessness to the Umpth degree and I am moved to repentance today. All for what!!!??? POPCORN! (The irony is BEYOND words!) I share to drag this out into the light and remove this of its "power".
We were "gifted" suite seats to the Oil Kings game, but the menu was popcorn, pizza, and desserts. The reason we were gifted these seats is bittersweet. ..and the food even moreso. Not foods that are currently compliant to Red's new diet (and Rogers Place does not cater to those with dietary restrictions ). And the rest of us were weak... for what? We didn't want to give up a perceived privilege for the greater gift of standing with Reds in encouragement and love. We chose our privilege first...not Love. Things went downhill from there. He was tempted and compromised his diet. I compromised. ..we ALL compromised! Compromised the experience, meeting the needs of one another...all so a few could enjoy the indulgences while the rest were left in struggle.
That is not Love. That is not family. That does not honour the gift of building one another up and sharing the journey. It's not about being the same....being denied your own privilege. ...not about being made guilty for your wants....not about tolerating or avoiding so others don't feel bad.... it's about the greater gifts we are denying ourselves from even connecting with when we act from a place of Love FIRST before we surrender to the "delights" around us.
It was a moment that was giving us a greater opportunity of experience and because we perceived it as "too hard", we made the "easy" compromises and lost out completely.
So much healing and responsible choices to step into....but TOTALLY worth it to stand in that place, and KNOW we can choose better and it IS easy when done through Love.

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