Enjoying the steady progress of improved and restored health...few additional bits of info gifted to us each day have been helping. Sometimes just applying the simple tweaks makes a big difference. I love healthy and beneficial support

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Enjoying the steady progress of improved and restored health...few additional bits of info gifted to us each day have been helping. Sometimes just applying the simple tweaks makes a big difference. I love healthy and beneficial support
Good morning! This week had the sparkling intentions of clearing out a mammoth amount papers, crafts, school stuff, toys, and outgrown clothing, as per our annual task. With the addition of painting for an upcoming show. Every year we have done this...well, so far this week, Monday was down time...Tuesday turned into craft day and taking down the winter decor in exchange for some spring flowers (hurray!)...and today, we will see how much can get "recycled" for tomorrow's trash pick up
I'll admit....I get "stuck" in moving forward sometimes...even though I KNOW how capable I am of getting something done. Bout to pop that bubble
Good morning! SIGH!
WOW, I was just serenaded to by this house. Sometimes I wish I could put my ears/mind on speaker and let others experience this stuff....too cool! (P.S. there is still music, just a different song....
Good morning! Had a SUPER "productive" morning so far and realized I am experiencing witnessing an "all or nothing" aspect of myself. It's about time to allow myself the permission to dream again. Then I could really see about this "producing" thing
Today I am doing some work on ....managing the story and habits around me having a "post" exposure migraine/headache. I am looking to embrace the "opportunity"...so far, I know I am drinking enough water, I have taken notes and am catching up on things that got left out last week when I was struggling with migraines (and feeling distracted/brain foggish)...I am choosing to nourish myself spiritually, mentally...now for some sun and possibly a nap
Good morning! CTHOL. I scratched it on my arm so I wouldn't forget...didn't want to get out of bed so early, but wanting to go back to sleep after mulling and chewing the thoughts around a dear friend
Good morning! Ouch! "Tough" love moment? Giving the boys a "talk" about "mediocre" choices...and why they would make those choices. Reminded them that they are created as awesomeness and they were fully encouraged by the reminder to choose to "live" your life.
Good morning. As I dive into building up a body of work for an exhibit...this morning I am brought through considering compassion. There is a greater calling within compassion then I think most realize...it comes with end point follow through. Making that decision sets forth the series of compelling actions that follow....
Good morning! This morning the boys (and I. ..I didn't write it but said many out loud) worked on what will be the reinstatement of our daily gratitude lists. I am grateful to my inspiration