Good morning! Over the last week I have seen and heard many mathematical equations. If you have this thing over here, it will equal this thing over here....Well, because this or that is not present than the outcome should be this or that....
My life seems that I was designed for elaborate quadrilateral equations to line up with a series of other quadrilateral equations that never seemed to equal anything simply lateral or linear. 3D graphing representations at best...stemming into multi layered crystal forms. No a+b=c but more like "not because just Is".
We are gifted wonderful weaving stories...with "significances" far beyond our understandings. I pray for the grace of accepting my specifically and uniquely design gift of Life with great gratitude and pray to allow it's "equations" to unfold for themselves. I'm sure the "math" I am applying to it each day can add or multiply to what I am already experiencing with enough question and discovery to keep me busy 

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