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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day 2016

 Good morning! I'm up and waiting for the sun to rise

🙂 It's Earth Day! Hubby will be out hiking in nature and I will be tackling the garden in some way. ❤ And over 10 years of gardening on this day, no matter what the weather (although I only remember one year where it felt cold, but I still was out weeding and clearing up the flower beds). It's also the official day we became neighbours and "family" in this community we live in. Many welcoming, happy, and curious people came to meet us and claim us as their own haha. Now, that I know most of who they are, I realize that they came from many blocks over to say hi...and continue to do so many years later. This has inspired my heart of connection and breaking down even that barrier of understanding into fostering family in communities. This year I am focused on sharing not only the wealth of the garden with our community (it's not just mine, I have just enjoyed being a good steward of what grows here), as many of the perennials have grown abundantly, but also sharing in the wealth of hearts that grow here abundantly as well. Take a look around and see how you can receiving and taking care of a healthy, happy environment, and planet. It starts with us ❤

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