When you look into a mirror facing another, what happens? It looks like they go on for infinity. ..

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
When you look into a mirror facing another, what happens? It looks like they go on for infinity. ..
LOL I've been so productive today all while still being in my PJs...my first thought is...why should I stop now? Stay in my PJs
I'm just in admiration right now of the geeky teachers I had growing up LOL. They loved what they taught so much, that they could explain concepts like chemical bonds in unschooled terms and also jump into a description of orbital rotation of electrons influencing polarity in the same breath. That is inspiring! I chose the discipline of Biology, but also saw the joy in the other disciplines as well. My son came to me yesterday and was excited that they were starting chemistry. He asked me a few questions and honestly HAHAHA, I couldn't break it down into laymen terms. I could see the structures of the molecules and the bonds, etc., but yeah....I'm gonna have to study the "jargon" so I can help him out better
Good morning! And when we reel our eyes...real our "I"'s, ...realize that we are allowed to be awake to everything around us and that it is by CHOICE that we choose to go to "sleep"...allowing ourselves to be rested, restored, refreshed, and recovered from all that all our eyes (and I 's) took in during the day before outside of our direct observation and command...that we trust our pieces to be realigned and even healed while our eyes are closed...each night we decide to have faith and each morning we open up again to the journey of awe and wonder.
Oh so tasty! #curried #pureed #loveit
Good morning! I'm up and waiting for the sun to rise
When we are inspired. ..when we are healed...when we are helped by the brilliance of someone's free-flowing light from within....
#thankyouGod #resetbedtime #gratitudeisamazing #adaptability #fullliving
Good morning! Raw! Messy! Authentic! Growing ...changing and just downright Beautiful! That's what I have been blessed with. ..It was/is perfect and imperfect at the same time...I asked for flow and it came. Now with wisdom (#thankyouGod presently, and in advance...) this will grow amazing fruit. The journey of love and life may not run smooth, but it's awesome and filling as breath itself ❤
#oneanotherlove #Lovealways #itsanactivedecision #BeingwithinDivine #insideout #peacebeyondunderstanding
I had a son who declared himself the "bug rescuer"....that meant catch and release would become our program. If anyone came close to squishing a bug in the house, he would get hysterical. That was when he was 4 to about 7 years old...but still in practice
Good morning! Nothing like studying out some wave propagation first thing in the morning to get you going in the day. I don't know how, but am I EVER excited of the wonder of mind that has been put in me to see such AMAZING connections in this experience called life. I love adding science to my quiet times and just having my mind blown into awe and wonder.
Good morning! This morning was an important time...to remind myself and my family...that we are one as a family of four (supported by a whole lot more
Good morning! Wisdoms, taken daily, is as nourishment. Sometimes it's the same day in and day out, a meal you never grow tired of... comfort food. And other times, hits of creativity, variety, and inspiration, like going out to a new restaurant on date night. Stay nourished.
Good morning! We had a great garage sale yesterday. Made great connections, had great conversations, encouragement for many hearts...It's beautiful to see how people get excited about such a vulnerable thing as a garage sale. There is a piece of your story that people feel they are witnessing. ..no matter the intent to haggle for a deal, they can't take the value out of what they are receiving. One lady bought shoes for a steal and it was more important for me for her to go and share about receiving the shoes for a deal then getting a good price for them. Even gave her boyfriend an opportunity for bragging rights