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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, October 26, 2015

What you CHOOSE to look for affects how you will experience the "facts" of life.

 Good morning! Hmmmm... yeah... sometimes you just need to step back and get the bigger picture.

Years ago, I experienced quite a few trials ....back to back to back to back...overlapping and intertwined. ...there were very few I could share with, because to answer the questions they were asking would be like laying out the "facts" in my current time frame and saying that that was the sum of my life. And for some that I did answer, it was more than they could imagine. Snippets and snapshots of what can be seen, the "current" news and happenings will never sum up what it is that I call life. It's not enough to describe the fullness of what it is that I have or experience...
No flashy moment is enough to impress if there is no constant of love, admiration, affection, faith, trust, and appreciation. It's worth nothing more than smoke and mirrors if there is no overflow of the heart of love...It will always be what is behind those moments that make the difference. So no story on its own will's not even the list of details that will make the's your perspective and mindset ..and what and where that root is planted in matters...what you CHOOSE to look for affects how you will experience the "facts" of life.
Thank you to God and to the women that shared this weekend not only their "stories", but how they see life through it all. It's that perspective of faith and hope that continues to inspire long after the "facts" turn to dust.

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