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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, March 30, 2015

What is YOUR default mode?

 Good morning! Enjoying getting caught up on care during Spring Break. It is LONG, LONG overdue...and amazingly refreshing to know what is "default" mode outside of "expectations"....reading, healing, cleaning, cuddles, laughter, play, and willing service to those around us...whether it be a helping hand, sharing good news, loving confidently and fearlessly...the natural vocation of the spirit is an uplift beyond understanding and humbling to the core. BLISSfully encouraged...divinely grateful...

❤ ❤ (and all this while in the cocoon of major transition, upheaval, and change. ..oy!)
Enjoy a blissfully beautiful day ❤

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