Good morning! I don't know about any lucky Irish folks (well, I do know a few...

I stopped in at a store to grab a treat before meeting with some awesome souls and as I was in line to pay, I overheard a sales lady and gentleman tying to figure out which was the least toxic cleaners on the shelf to body started moving toward them before my mind finally decided to give up my "next" spot in line...I walked over and joined the conversation. I could already tell they were making good changes as they were unscented (LOL the people) and sharing about what natural things they already use. They shared that they have serious symptoms from the chemicals in products....and then I shared the same.
Their eyes popped WIDE OPEN with excitement and encouragement! (Insert heart-melt-moment) They asked what I use and I shared...AND top it off, they both gave me a hug of sincere gratitude
The relief and ease that I got to bring to their lives...PLUS I found some Borax! (I was SO excited!) All that from just being me
Thank you God for "invisible" gifts 

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