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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The "other" elimination "diet"

 This caught my eye as I have done elimination diets in the past and they work...not because you remove things, but that you choose, for a time, to stop taking in what may be harmful and instead, CHOOSE to take in much more (on a steady, consistent basis) of what benefits you, supports you, and builds you up. When the prescribed time of benefit and support has been achieved, you then "test" and observe, one by one, how you feel after being re-exposed to what you've "eliminated". It's not that we remove it, we just choose to experience an awareness of what we are like without it. This applies to pretty much everything in life...our physical health, our spiritual health, mental, emotional, intellectual....from within to with"out"...AND starting from the point of improving our Divine connection first, builds that solid foundation for all the rest...add more of what builds you up...reduce what breaks you down...and see how you strengthen your awareness and the gift of choice in your life...

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