Well...I think it's time we switch up some of the accents around the house

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning! Well...bout time. And as one goes running through the house screaming "WOOOHOOO!" , I can't help but to be grateful for the simplest joys and exuberant celebrations (and hopes for more to come
Nothing like getting sunburned while trying to catch up with my growing garden, pulling weeds, and swatting mosquitoes LOL ... I love my yard! This will be quite the Spring, that's for sure! #seasonoftransition #inarush #miraclesgrow #backinthegarden
Good morning! Enjoying getting caught up on care during Spring Break. It is LONG, LONG overdue...and amazingly refreshing to know what is "default" mode outside of "expectations"....reading, healing, cleaning, cuddles, laughter, play, and willing service to those around us...whether it be a helping hand, sharing good news, loving confidently and fearlessly...the natural vocation of the spirit is an uplift beyond understanding and humbling to the core. BLISSfully encouraged...divinely grateful...
This caught my eye as I have done elimination diets in the past and they work...not because you remove things, but that you choose, for a time, to stop taking in what may be harmful and instead, CHOOSE to take in much more (on a steady, consistent basis) of what benefits you, supports you, and builds you up. When the prescribed time of benefit and support has been achieved, you then "test" and observe, one by one, how you feel after being re-exposed to what you've "eliminated". It's not that we remove it, we just choose to experience an awareness of what we are like without it. This applies to pretty much everything in life...our physical health, our spiritual health, mental, emotional, intellectual....from within to with"out"...AND starting from the point of improving our Divine connection first, builds that solid foundation for all the rest...add more of what builds you up...reduce what breaks you down...and see how you strengthen your awareness and the gift of choice in your life...
Good morning! Well, that "shift" was hard to go through and now I am observing from a different place and I am grateful for what I experienced. We never know what we will be brought through that will serve to bring about a greater change and purpose in our lives. HAHA, all I have to say, is I hope I learned and observed well, because that was a toughie!
Good morning! It's time to dream bigger folks! Especially when things start floating around like a scene out of Fantasia with dancing pink elephants in tutus.
Good morning. And even though this morning I don't feel like an energizer bunny and not feeling like much of anything (not necessarily a bad thing ...) it is still good. Breath is within...and an abundance for more at every turn.
Good morning! I don't know about any lucky Irish folks (well, I do know a few...
Good morning! Yup! Stay in positive as best you can. Keep your priorities in check...make necessary changes to provide you with support and peace. ..and ASK for help and guidance when needed
Good morning!
It's funny...that things that come so natural to us...we often forget to recognize and give appreciation for. ..and in that, others may take you less seriously for those gifts because you didn't first give due gratitude. Well, I am thankful for the years I have spent making my home and life more clear and less toxic (from the inside out) to support myself and my growing (and glowing
I am feeding my scientific mind and inquisitive heart today....you won't believe half the stuff people have witnessed and shared and others dismissed ...LOL reminds me of my bible studies
Good morning! SMACK!! Wow! You have to wonder, if the things that fly through the air and hit vehicles that hard were hitting pedestrians...Hahaha, and I HAVE been hit by flying rocks before and it hurts. We never know, like a windshield on a vehicle, how many things we are protected from in our lives. Grateful for divine intervention
I saw a face in the tree smiling at me...every day it watches over me... I'm glad it shared a smile only I could see
...and get Spring time lawn service...set ant traps...add extra soil and seed...so that your neighbour could stop referring you to companies for lawn care
Good Morning Sunshine! Not that it is new or uncommon, but I am excited to celebrate Light in my life.