Good morning! Welcome to 2015!! (LOL, as I suggested to a friend about picking a country to countdown with....I picked Australia

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning! Welcome to 2015!! (LOL, as I suggested to a friend about picking a country to countdown with....I picked Australia
Good morning! This morning....cut and cleared, cuddled, ate chocolate and bananas, and now.... clean and cook...all this while considering joy, freedom, love and support, encouragement, excitement and enthusiasm, the abundance we are and have, acceptance without neutralizing independent expression, embracing individuality while receiving the wonders of unity...I do not want to forget...that the possibilities of seeing the fullest picture comes in surrendering to a greater viewpoint and accepting that there is FAR more to I will stay in the wonder of the question and feel fully embraced and unconditionally loved...
There is always a price to pay for "tuition"...Honestly, we learn something new everyday....if we let it....with that said, you know that feeling when you get hit in the head and it feels like stars, but smells like you are inhaling water? Yeah....I'm all "learned" up today...
Good morning! isn't it something? That in our darkest of seasons lies the celebration of love and light in our lives?
Okay first reaction...HOLY detachment Batman!! Holy Ascension!! (singing...) Let it go...Let it GO!...LOL, but after much twitching and crying (and seeing how much more important it is for us to encourage one another and receive encouragement as well), I have finally moved into a space of allowing the possibility of a BIGGER AND GREATER vision to unfold...I am now in a place of peace, envisioning the beauty and unity that is awaiting us in the future.
Good morning! Ok, you can all stop complaining, winter is OFFICIALLY here now.
My biggest gem of thought today...I dance in being undefined...or at least I don't feel "defined" by what others would choose to define me as ... Just simply, I am ... ( least in my own head
You know... I ...LOL I was going to say something,...about really enjoying how different I am and grateful to have gone from stuttering to flowful in my life in many ways....BUT, something came up...confirming that we, in all our unique and sometimes not so blissful and beautiful ways, express that what we seek most in life is one-another love and calling one another to love in every moment.
Good morning! Great day enjoyed yesterday by all...quading, sledding at high speeds, crazy female dogs, roasting stuff, running and getting dressed, being encouraged, and finishing up with some serious was full and beautiful.
Good morning! Let the chaos...I mean the madness...I mean the cleaning begin LOL. And I am thinking I need a walk in closet, deeper kitchen cabinets...oh, and a creative kitchen cabinet so I can better see all my jarred spices, and things as well. I AM putting this out there because it 'the the season of considering things that you want
Me: Did you brush your teeth?
Yesterday, I ran around and sang "Happy Spirthday to me", but then I realized that it was not just me, but also my dear partner in life Jeremy who celebrates 13 faithful years together with one another and with God as our center. It has not been easy, and we definitely have a long ways to go, but the Love amplified we have been lucky to choose to live has been more than we could have ever imagined.
Good morning! Waking thought as my son and I were looking for the piece of toast he managed to lose (with sunbutter) in the livingroom...somewhere LOL...and I tell you, my laughing was NOT helping the situation ROFL! He was SET on being angry, even when I was getting him to laugh LOL which made him even more angry...BWHAHAHA
Gooood morning! Ooooooo, something just resonated with me and excited to walk with this new awareness...keeping in step with the Spirit....well, the Spirit is a dancer