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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

FB Good morning post - NYE 2014

 Good morning! Welcome to 2015!! (LOL, as I suggested to a friend about picking a country to countdown with....I picked Australia

❤ 😉 ) AND I will reflect on what 2014 really gifted to me and my family...2013 was quite the year of things coming into fruition in ways I didn't expect....pebbles into the pond it was...2014, you were definitely an experience unmatched...
It's sunny, it's warm, it's radiant, it's beautiful!...I am just going to enjoy the encouragement of Today ❤

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Accepting that there is FAR more to know and being grateful for it

 Good morning! This morning....cut and cleared, cuddled, ate chocolate and bananas, and now.... clean and cook...all this while considering joy, freedom, love and support, encouragement, excitement and enthusiasm, the abundance we are and have, acceptance without neutralizing independent expression, embracing individuality while receiving the wonders of unity...I do not want to forget...that the possibilities of seeing the fullest picture comes in surrendering to a greater viewpoint and accepting that there is FAR more to I will stay in the wonder of the question and feel fully embraced and unconditionally loved...

And for now, I sit in overflowing gratitude (like a lump in my throat...of being so amazingly appreciated and celebrated)....that I am worth receiving gifts of Hope, Grace, and yes, salvation. And that I am amply provided with more than enough to give from and share in abundant ways.
Thank you God, ...... (beyond words gratitude to the unknown and known wonder of Jesus) and I hope to graciously continue in the wonder of the gifts you grant and provide at my feet... ❤

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The gift of experience

 There is always a price to pay for "tuition"...Honestly, we learn something new everyday....if we let it....with that said, you know that feeling when you get hit in the head and it feels like stars, but smells like you are inhaling water? Yeah....I'm all "learned" up today...


Look to the Light in our "darker seasons"

 Good morning! isn't it something? That in our darkest of seasons lies the celebration of love and light in our lives?

And for this world...a new season has begun and a "winter solstice" has just passed...where the "darkness" is now being brought out into the light... The light is increasing more and more...what is in the shadows will no longer be hidden...more is being seen and the power of our unseen and Unconditional Love and Grace is being made visible in what we choose to share with others...
Thank you dear friends for the light you have shared and are sharing more and more....what a gift!! ❤
"...the people living in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Let it go!

 Okay first reaction...HOLY detachment Batman!! Holy Ascension!! (singing...) Let it go...Let it GO!...LOL, but after much twitching and crying (and seeing how much more important it is for us to encourage one another and receive encouragement as well), I have finally moved into a space of allowing the possibility of a BIGGER AND GREATER vision to unfold...I am now in a place of peace, envisioning the beauty and unity that is awaiting us in the future.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Make the commitment to enjoy the "season" you are in

 Good morning! Ok, you can all stop complaining, winter is OFFICIALLY here now.

😉 (LOL and Summer, for those in the South Hemisphere 😁) So there is NO reason to feel disgruntled and couple weeks, if you feel as though you are pining for what is not in your present life or experience, you CAN make the commitment to enjoy the beauty of structured water or the flow of running water with a simple deposit and request at your local airline. 😃 This also applies to after-holiday fat loss, career goals and objectives, de-cluttering and re-prioritizing in your life, and So Much more!
Lucky for me, I have been enjoying the snow, welcoming the Winter season, making the most of Holiday cheer and excitement (and food...oh yes...nom, nom...mmmm), as well as set a date for making positive changes with my family in the near future. From the "joy" of "trial/error" (or just life in general), this process flows better for us now and all are on board 😉
Happy holiday break (and Merry Christmas) to all and blessings in 2015. ❤

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Season of celebrating light...a reflection on Energy

I think a lot...okay, well it's more like I keep constant company and conversation with myself ;) ...and as I continue the cleaning/clearing process.... of our house...I came across a note I had written on the back of an IKEA flyer (I write notes all over the place...need a scrapbook just for the notes... :P ) ..

..."measured not in the use of energy, but in the amount of brightness"

Now this was a reflection of lumens versus wattage and making my bulb switch to LED in order to consume less energy, but have the same amount or more light...

But today, it means for me as I have been called into question...sources, the source, and can I be my most luminescent self...? How, with using less energy, can I be brightness in my life and this world? Well, the word "flow" came to mind...

You see, in recent events, I have been blessed with the gift of witnessing what happens when we flow in a beneficial, and clear way. When we clear out...release resistance in our lives...and even...let go of the WHOLE story which we thought was and is our lives ( I personally would like to believe that ME being here is more that facts, evidence, situations, and more factuals...I want to be felt and experienced as welcome as a smile or the sun's warm and bright rays... ) ...back to what I witnessed... I witnessed how a life went from push and prove to being filled with support AND almost as if people have been waiting for their arrival for sometime...that THEY became the answer to the prayers that people had put out and had hoped though they were waiting for the clouds to roll by so the sun could shine... it IS amazing!

Becoming your most simple, and most connected self just feels a whole lot more brighter too. LOL and uses a whole lot less energy leaving you feeling...energetic! HA! And then that energy can go out and do other things in your life with a whole lot less effort (almost efortlessly...really?? Is that possible? Why yes, yes it is...)

So here is my commitment to becoming more LED and beyond! Bring on the lumen baby!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Being undefined

 My biggest gem of thought today...I dance in being undefined...or at least I don't feel "defined" by what others would choose to define me as ... Just simply, I am ... ( least in my own head

😉 )

Monday, December 15, 2014

Calling one another into love

 You know... I ...LOL I was going to say something,...about really enjoying how different I am and grateful to have gone from stuttering to flowful in my life in many ways....BUT, something came up...confirming that we, in all our unique and sometimes not so blissful and beautiful ways, express that what we seek most in life is one-another love and calling one another to love in every moment.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Full day holiday time

 Good morning! Great day enjoyed yesterday by all...quading, sledding at high speeds, crazy female dogs, roasting stuff, running and getting dressed, being encouraged, and finishing up with some serious was full and beautiful.

Now for another wonder-filled day ❤

Friday, December 12, 2014

FB Good morning post - December 12, 2014

 Good morning! Let the chaos...I mean the madness...I mean the cleaning begin LOL. And I am thinking I need a walk in closet, deeper kitchen cabinets...oh, and a creative kitchen cabinet so I can better see all my jarred spices, and things as well. I AM putting this out there because it 'the the season of considering things that you want

😉 (cuz honestly, I am glad with what I have...)
I'm just glad that I don't wait all year to enjoy the GOOD stuff (family, friends, encouraging others...) that I am blessed with 🙂 ❤

LOL, as long as it's called Today

 Me: Did you brush your teeth?

Reds: Yes
Me: When?
Reds: I don't know LOL
Me: Ok, (thinking this kid may be a lawyer with all the loopholes he can skillfully find... 😉 ) when I asked I didn't mean EVER , I meant today...
Reds: Oh... (snickers)
Me: Go brush your teeth...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In this Disciple journey together

 Yesterday, I ran around and sang "Happy Spirthday to me", but then I realized that it was not just me, but also my dear partner in life Jeremy who celebrates 13 faithful years together with one another and with God as our center. It has not been easy, and we definitely have a long ways to go, but the Love amplified we have been lucky to choose to live has been more than we could have ever imagined.


Enjoying imperfection

 Good morning! Waking thought as my son and I were looking for the piece of toast he managed to lose (with sunbutter) in the livingroom...somewhere LOL...and I tell you, my laughing was NOT helping the situation ROFL! He was SET on being angry, even when I was getting him to laugh LOL which made him even more angry...BWHAHAHA

But here's the thought....we CHOSE to experience...imperfection! How perfect is that?! ❤
ENjoying a new day in perfect inperfection 😉 ! ❤

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Keeping in step with the Spirit

 Gooood morning! Ooooooo, something just resonated with me and excited to walk with this new awareness...keeping in step with the Spirit....well, the Spirit is a dancer

😉 ...Look where its steps take for where and what the Spirit is doing in the lives of those around's inspiring. ❤

Monday, December 8, 2014

Could it really simple?

We woke up on Sunday morning and head to church, to give to our dear friends and, clothing, was all ready to go.

When we got there and they were the first people we saw...we gave and they were grateful and encouraged...and so were we.  Yes, it was that consider one another in give expect nothing in return...AND oddly enough, receive a heart full of wonder and gratitude overflowing regardless.  I have no intention of bragging about giving...and I really don't care if they are needy or poor or if they are just friends that we chose to think about and to share with.  They came to mind and we gave...AND I honestly believe, that my family thrives best when we: Travel, eat beautiful and healthy foods, pray, and give, give, and give. What was that movie called? ...Eat, Pray, Love...yeah! It's just like that (okay, maybe not quite, but yeah...)... and I love witnessing it.

And then there are times, when we plain out forget! As if we woke up one morning and left behind all that we loved and enjoyed the day before, barely remembering our own names. It sounds like and looks like a big ol' mess! We run around looking for .... I DON'T KnOW! What was I looking for again? LOL it's like a brain fog rolled in over the night and we can barely put one foot in front of the other...we return to habits that no longer serve us (UGH! The "default" habits...gotta train a new "default" button ;) ), we frustrate ourselves and start running around faster hoping that the quicken pace will charge up (LOL Like a spark!) our memories and magically give us that feeling we once had...where things felt so heart-full, and flow-full, and simple...

It's on those days of unnecessary, added complication where I am thankful for the practice of spending some one-on-one quiet time with myself and with God (good default...ahhhhh). I know that sometimes our routine will be overrun with the "do, do, do's" in life from the first step of the day and I may not be able to squeeze in what feels like a morning coffee date with my Love one, but remembering to find that time...and fill it with some serious gratitude and, DEEP and digging questions that free me up more and more from the burdens I pick up along the way (probably while I felt I was running to the middle of nowhere, hoping to grab the right "luggage" along the way...) and to really sit and enjoy the gift of encouragement, peace, clarity...

How can I then share this with others? Not just the quiet part, or the "date with God" part, but the digging down into the deep, DEEP questions to get to the heart of what is keeping them from experiencing "simple" more freely?

As I was going to sleep last night, someone "sat" on the edge of my bed and we began to talk...I expressed my heart-felt is it, that when you tell people the answer to "why are you so...?", they don't believe you. That it could NOT be that just BE in the moment.

"Seek first..."...that's what resonates with me...and as I contemplated being in the company of Divine Love, a WEALTH of thoughts and answers came flooding in and ....I don't even know how to describe it other than AMAZING!  I just had to BE with it just flowed through and filled me up beyond imagination...I felt so BIG! I just laid there in the full enjoyment of this blissful pillow talk...not jumping up to my feet and RUSHING to write down what I could. I just prayed that it would come back to me to share with others in perfect timing.

“If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met." Matthew 6:30-33 (MSG)