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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, March 18, 2013

Forgiving fully includes yourself

 Good morning! Forgive fully and quickly and then move on and forward through gratitude and appreciation. other words....forgiving myself for what I decided that I fell short on....helps me to decide that others may fall short too and forgive myself again for the added judgement....and the to be grateful for what it is that I have done AND has BEEN done in my life to my benefit and to appreciate that others have a lot to be grateful for as well (if they choose to see it) and that I am grateful for them in my life and the blessings in THEIR lives too.
Just sharing the process and the journey and if you walk a little ways with me, I appreciate the company. ❤
Much love ❤ ❤

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