Good morning! Love will ALWAYS have the victory!! To your undying love,Jesus, I give thanks

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning! Love will ALWAYS have the victory!! To your undying love,Jesus, I give thanks
Good morning! Cleaned kitchen, belly is full, family is well, I am breathing...fully grateful!
Courage!! That's all I can think about....What courage he had...what bold, loving chivalry...what loving and selfless intervention...what humbling value he saw...what healing touches...what life lived wide open....what whole-heartedness...what knowing the core action...what passion...what fullness of faith...what an example I am honoured to live through Jesus...thank you for your undying love...
Adding a little colour and light into our lives...
Good morning!!
Going to be dyeing eggshells to make eggshell tealights for Spring. LOL the boys collected about a flat and a half of shells...more than enough to share hehe....should be fun
Good morning! Feeling a lot better today after some much needed rest. Sometimes I find it hard not to push through, so I am glad for this moment to honour the rest and recovery. Now to get ready for a walk with the boys...keeping it simple today the best way I can
I went outside and lounged in the sun in my lawn chairs. I now have a bit of a tan (didn't want to get sunburned). The sun is HOT and the breeze is light and cool, and the air was clean and fresh.... for those sunbathers, this would be a great day to get out in your backyard and catch a few
Good morning!! Yesterday was a great day of lessons and Lego...learned that being open to whatever possibility is good for you, that setting a positive possibility is also good for you and others, to expect the unexpected in a great way (and even better!!), release adding burden to the wondrous in life, and marvel should require at least a good minute or more to be immersed in.......LOVE shopping with my boys HA!!
Knowing that you AND others are of value allows you to receive the value of what you are....humility is truly humbling and honourable...
Good Monday morning!!! Mmmmmm...this Monday is just SO Yummy!!! Free flowing productivity today and just loving the expression.... creative play, naps, planned fun, quiet times and devo discussions....and the day has just begun...
The kids are building minecraft their bedroom with boxes.
Good morning! Well, after 12 hours powered down for Earth Hour and a good night's sleep (finally!!...and according to my dream, I need more shoes
Oh, if you only knew how GOOD it is this morning!! And what more can I truly say? I am truly gifted and I would love to share what it is I received with you, but you gotta ask....HAHAHAHA!
Good morning! Okay, making an early break for it dinner cooked, lunches packed and breakfasts are done. Dishes washed kimchi on the go, and now to get dressed.
LOL people expecting the first day of Spring to be mowed lawns and blooming flowers is like people doing one workout and dropping 50 to 100 pounds....
Good morning!
You know that moment...when after all the craziness, mis-situations, trials, frustrations, lost sleep, patience, and endurance....where it all comes streaming forward in a rush of overflowing wonder, awe-inspired gasp, flowing tears, and head-shaking gratitude?? When it all makes sense and what you have in front of you is the blessing you have been opening up to? I have been blessed to be the witness of this in the lives of those around me (wow, nothing like watching others open their gifts and blessings...) and have had a few myself.
Good morning!
I took so many risks yesterday (starting from last week), and they all seemed to work out well. And It's not that I necessarily feel good about it, but I felt it was worth my attention and effort. What a way to finish off a reflective and introspective season. Thank you winter of 2012-13....You were wonderfully fruitful, playful, and full of new and deeper connections. Can only imagine how Spring 2013 will grow
Good morning! Forgive fully and quickly and then move on and forward through gratitude and appreciation.
Woohoo! Sun shining bright, hubby used snow blower, and one last go for some serious snow play. Making the most of this beautiful layer off snow before its gone.
Good morning! WoW! Feeling awesome this morning! Stepping up, standing firm, and looking forward to being beneficial to those around me today....time to get up, get ready, and get out to share this awesome feeling.
LET'S PLAY!!! (oooo the gift of personification)...this is an idea that stems from conversations and observations of those who tends to think that the world is out to get them....
Good morning!! What are you calling to yourself to be? Take notice of the descriptors you use to define you, your life, and your experience. (Watch what you put after the 2 words "I am...")
Oh, how I "love" thee....Let me "count" the ways.....mmmmm.....both are limitless
Good morning!
Feeling as though you are just floating on through each day? Have you considered your core connection lately? I did this morning after a time of not truly connecting and it felt so good! Thank you God and thank you Jesus for always BEING there in ALL fullness! May I BE in all fullness and connection today from such a great example.
The intensity of the sun, combine with the misting of slight drizzles, with a cool (not cold) breeze, put the smile of marvel and wonder on my face....ahhhh!!!
GOOD morning! LOL and tonight will be GREAT! (want more sleep HA!) But in the meantime, projects, homework, school, meetings, work, breakfast, lunch, dinner ALL need your FULL attendance, participation, and most of all, heart!