Good mawning!
Running with a pacer.
Over the last week for many and for us, as a family, over the last couple months….we have been focusing in on “finishing a race”.
This race happens to be a current “challenge” in our lives. A simple situation that turns sideways and “ugly” fast. Now of course, because of the nature of the circumstance, that possibility was “there”, but you can always hope that you get to run and complete the race, or your leg of it as smooth as possible.
This is a picture of our son and my hubby.
Running a leg of an ultra race together. He was a part of a youth relay group. My hubby was there to help pace our son as he ran his leg of the race through the mountains. As one of the oldest in the youth group, he got the leg with the higher difficulty rating. My other son and I helped him to stay consistent with his training for the race by going out for “runs” with him and to keep him moving. LOL by no means were the two of us at the level of running our older son is, but we were there to keep his head in the game and to keep him moving forward.
My hubby on the other hand had run multiple ultra races that year and his training was extensive. He was definitely more apt for keeping the pace if not providing that bit of “push” on the course so that he would stay within his timing.
So with this reflection and our current challenge, we have come together to help one another to stay “on course”.
It can be so easy to just “let” the circumstance continue in the direction you DON’T want it to go because you may feel you are powerless to change in it and that you have let it get this “far”.
That is a hard space to be in. And from what I have learned over the years, from both personal challenges, our family’s journey with trail running as well as helping to support others in their difficult times is…
…it takes up WAY MORE energy and effort to go it alone. It can also take up time and energy to go through it with the WRONG kind of support.
Now of course, if you have a growth mindset in place, you can glean some sort of lesson and growth from even experiencing the “wrong” support. So how do you find what works for you without going through knowing some supports, mentors, or coaches may not be the fit you are looking for?
- Have a vision of what it is that you really want on the other side of the “running the course”. What does YOUR “win” look like? What will you have from having finished the “race” you are going through?
- Don’t feel through the pain of what you are going through to “find” the solution to what you are looking for. Hmmmm…in short, it comes back to the quote that speaks to not trying to solve a problem from the same thinking that created it. You can hope to solve the problem from the space of the problem itself. You’ve got to feel into the possibility of the solution already being achieved and you living in it. Imagining the outcome. And for me, this is where I need “pacing”.
I can see the vision, I can sorta feel into the outcome and the rest sometimes gets too heavy to carry. I personally like to have support in the process. YES! Even coaches/mentors/teachers need coaching/mentoring/teaching. We find safe communities of like-minded folks to be in that helps to provide support as we are on our journey of growth.
Get someone who can see you where you are at and has also “gotten” to where it is you want to be. Who has navigated a similar course to what it is you are travelling at this time.
Our current challenge isn’t unfamiliar to us, but staying on course with it to see it to the end is imperative. So as a family (and with God’s divine support as well), we are each doing our part to help one another cross the finish line.
Do you have those in your life that support you in the way that you need support? If not, reach out to someone who may be able to help. You could also reach out to those who may know someone who could help. I have helped many people personally connect to the support they need, either through coaching and mentoring with me or finding someone who would be a good fit for THEIR needs.You can send me a message for support. I am here and available to listen.
We don’t have to run this journey alone. It’s much better when we KNOW we have support along way.
Photo credit: @kenandersonphotography
#thankYouGod #DivineSupport #grateful #pacing #trailrunning #race #lifesjourney #oneanotherlove #getsupport #growthmindset #mentalhealth #goals #intentions #success #finishtherace #family #lifetothefull #biggerpicture #greaterstill #mindsetmatters