Good mawning!
Breathing in the gift...of living and experiences.
I am currently sitting in a mix of "feels" at the moment.
I am grateful for the constant of life's work and experiences "we" create for ourselves, in our society. Simple things like rescheduled deliveries AND living in the other side of that experience makes me feel honoured to GET TO witness a bigger picture in this thing called living.
I am grateful to my friends who are surviving through many challenges AND choosing to show up as fully as possible in the THRIVING aspect of their lives. It has also amplified for me an intense gratitude to those who show up IN this life with the INTENT of living it out FULLY

And ALL these wonderful gifts of living being LIVED has me in tears of gratitude!

That so outweighs the 'rest' that cause heaviness on "ones" soul.
I speak from myself in my own experience, but perhaps there are those out there that can relate... I don't believe in speaking as a 'collective'. I guess that may apply in many other areas of life as well.
I LOVE celebrating diversity and living it out to its fullest... however you are choosing to live it. No matter how messy it may seem to others.
Haha, that reminds get back to making messy memories count with my kids.
Have an amazing day...and holiday time. And enjoy all of your 'presence'. 

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