Good mawning!!
Why now? Review of 2022 and beyond at 2am LOL. (And why the relationship you are having with YOU matters).
All peaceful and cozy in my slumber, and mind "chitchat" begins LOL.
"Mind": Did you know more conversation came at "you" from haters than it came from friends and family?
"Me": Hmmmm...that's interesting. It makes me think of all those who are struggling with depression and when "friends" wonder "how?" or "why?"... Do we really cry at the loss or at knowing we didn't connect in enough?
"Mind": You have worked some pretty crap jobs and didn't get paid a whole ALL! Let's take a look at them all...
"Me": Hmmm... yeah, working through that area of development in my life and that road is still under construction LOL. And I am learning as I go.
"Mind": Let's take a look at all the places you've lived as a married woman and see how that went.
"Me": Repair and reno all the way LOL. Safer too.
... Yup! 2022 came with a LOT of gnashing of teeth... And it was definitely a MUCH smaller circle of folks to lean in with for support.
This brought me back to the gift of relationship I have with myself and with God. And the power of anchoring into the statements "I am here", and "I am STILL here."
I choose to CONTINUE in this experience of life. Periodt!
And THAT is enough. 

For you AND for me! And in however you choose that experience to look like.
To the "haters"... thank you...for the stress and the reminders and lessons...and the company LOL. You are here and you reminded me of the same

As we continue into 2023, let's be mindful of "getting to" BE.... HERE.
Your relationship with yourself matters. Because it frames how you will respond, even to your"self". And it matters because your experience AND presence matters "."
Let's make it a good one!
Blessings to you all for 2023

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