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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Is hard work really "hard"?

 Good mawning!

Thoughts around "hard" work.
Yesterday, as a family, we were out doing family business.
"We" do renovations and property maintenance work.
I say "we" because the main work is done by my hubby, a trained carpenter and handyman.
The work we did yesterday would not be for everyone to choose to do. And... Our boys did a lot of the work.
This morning as I am navigating my morning routine, I see that they also attended to almost ALL their household contributions yesterday as well.
Some would say they worked hard.
But they didn't.
They worked willingly, focused, consistently, and without resistance.
The work was what it was. Not easy or hard.
WE add the ease or "hardness" to it by how we show up in it.
Currently we have 2 similar projects (and a few ongoing) that are different in so many ways and stages that are highlighting for us many lessons. One of which is gratitude.
We are grateful for who we get to work with. We are grateful for who we get to serve and help. We are grateful that we CAN do the work we are doing. And we are grateful for being in the process of watching things grow and expand.
We are ALL here to share a worthy contribution and to enjoy the being in the process of the work we get to do.
What ways do you enjoying applying yourself willingly? What work do you do with ease that others find "hard"?

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