Good morning!
When I was a little girl, there were a few things I decided that I wanted to "Be", and those two are a part of it.
I came across a title at the library yesterday and it sparked in me the next level of consideration for our sustainably designed home that is in the works (with God's blessings).... Biophilic Design.
In one article expressing the difference between biomimicry and biophilic they stated... " Biomimicry is an innovation method to achieve better performance; biophilic design is an evidence-based design method to improve health and wellbeing."
And in my mind pieces of my own puzzle started to fall together. While it is nice to focus on performance or making changes to "enhance" performance, my thought went immediately to...
...if we nurture within and of and for ourselves the points of connection in our lives that build us up....that improve our health and well-being, then increased performance is a "natural" by-product. (pun TOTALLY intended

"Biophilia recognizes the health benefits of mankind’s biological connectedness with nature."
WE ARE....designed for connectedness.
Our health and wealth (and love and happiness) depend on it. I'm not about the pursuit of happiness, but I will say this, ...if you can infuse joy into the moments that make up your life, with the wisdom of connecting in, you will be that much more fulfilled in your days.

So as I continue with my reading, remember to connect in with joy in some way throughout this day and the days to follow. When we cut ourselves off from that connection, we are less productive for it. So why not enJoy the gift of a good and nurturing connection