Good morning!
Avoidance. I've been pondering on some of my connections lately. Some have grown exponentially BEYOND what I ever expected (will get back to that later) and I VERY happily stepped into it and up to it with receiving arms. "Expect the unexpected," ....A dear friend said it even though I heard and read it many times and used it as a inspiration statement for years, I now hear it in her voice when I think of it (funny right? Thank you Caroline Mccreary

LOL back to avoidance though....there are certain relationships though, for whatever reason, that I find are in avoidance mode. I keep reaching out and again, who knows, but it feels like they are holding me at arms length. I know I have done it. I know I have done it even in my own my relationship with some of my neighbours...after a dating relationship went BAD....and with ALL of those, I also held in my head the possibility of drawing near to them again....yes, even in the failed dating relationships... (hahaha you can ask them and they can tell you
). WHY ON EARTH would I do that?!?! Because I believe in more strongly loving one another (accordingly) more than withholding love from my brother or sister on this earth. It's not for pious reasons I choose this...perhaps it's COMPLETELY selfish I do this, but I honour the JOY within me quite highly and I don't like for ANYTHING I choose to get in the way of that. I'm okay with being wrong and corrected (learning and growing is where my higher value lies)...I don't need to be right and postured (it's too rigid and doesn't flow/adapt fast enough LOL)...I don't need to assume that others can not handle something I will happen to share or say....(what am I assuming of them instead of being direct, connected, and honest?).....avoiding is like holding myself away from my OWN joy and from the possibility of a real and fruitful connection with another.

Recently in a neighbourhood book club gathering, foreboding joy was brought up and my mind jumped in to observe the exchange. A wonderful challenge was presented and I took it on personally....HOW am I withholding myself from experiencing the fullness of joy? Especially by perceiving or assuming a negative or unpleasant outcome? What STORY or expectation am I putting to a circumstance that hasn't even happened 'yet' in order to AVOID pain or disappointment (or rejection)? Am I anticipating someone responding to rejection poorly and through that story, avoiding the relationship all together? Could I be experiencing a deeper and more loving relationship IF I set aside the assumptions, negative story, and perceived pain?
Cuz, wow!! Have you fully experienced joy??? Like really experience it. Because if you have, you could tap into the fact that....EVEN IF it is just for a moment....that moment was TOTALLY worth it!!!
To have had the gift of not just hearing about this big awesomeness, but to have it vibrate through your being .....LOL and I can't describe it for you. ISN'T THAT AMAZING??? Right there!!! THAT!!! That no matter how much I share about my joys in life, there is no way to fully describe that feeling. In that feeling, I also experience an overwhelming compulsion to have YOU experience such joy!
There are no words. That compulsion turns into passion. The "fear" that was creating stories and the lack of response is made SMALL in the MASSIVENESS of the joy that awaits you on the other side of avoiding and withholding, and NOT connecting.

For even just a be be warmed by a long, slow burning coal of joy....that IS a lifetime.
WE are each here AS that JOY! That one moment of elation is the fullness of our lives....and to tap back into just the thought of such a thing....brings the heat. To the front of your mind, washing you with gratitude over and over again....
LOL and I have said so much.... there is a commercial that used to play .... and it closed out with some thing like... "...sorry brother, you gotta get your own."
Let's feel safe and free to go and experience and "get" for ourselves that moment...and connect in with OUR OWN joy. It is already there...and no need to avoid it... it's not going anywhere

#thankyouGod #divineponderings #letsConnect #stopavoiding #yesImeanYou #Lovefirst #INjoy #oneanotherlove
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