Good morning! Bright and sunny....coming in from a different angle....more light....and with it, more reflections....
Yesterday I was reflecting on different experiences in the education system. One where the student thrives and does well, in spite of having little to no friends, just does their work and what they enjoy and doesn't get caught up in too much drama.....and then there are those, with little to no friends, drama finds them, they are smart but feel no desire to initiate, uninspired, bored, and counting hours to go home and do something they would rather be doing....
I was both. But mainly the second one..... Drama of racism and exclusion....finished all my work and was bored, was feeling uninspired and encouraged to move up in grades (grateful for the support of my early year teachers)....was told I should stay with my "peers" and make "friends" (didn't see that I was being both bullied and ostracized...I now am not an advocate for age-based peer is better IMO) ... focused on my school work and things that kept my interests...was often alone...
Why do I bring this up? Many reasons....One reason, a year ago someone asked me about it....they are a peer who noticed this happening to me and how did I deal with it. It made me awfully sad to consider....that it was obvious SO MANY years after it began....and the second reason, I was in Education and I have a BIG HEART for fostering learning (lifelong)....For those that the system works for...great!! Keep at it!
I have a son thriving in the system and he will continue to do so....For those that the system doesn't necessarily support, focus on your love for learning first...and then continue to learn in love and with love, and about love....there is a place for you too. Whether at home, online, or in a special school or program that offers GOOD's there!

The day is bright....the future is bright too. 

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