Today I was asked.... 'if I went back in my life what would I change?'....
...I've been asked this before many times....would I change my decision to not follow up with my friend who asked me to buy stocks in Apple? ....Would I avoid the situations where I was harmed? ....would I undo relationships that ended horribly? ....would I have walked away sooner from those who betrayed me?...would I reverse the moments where I had wished I never was there?....So much pain and sorrow...I still don't like the pain or the memory of it...and my answer is no. It's not just my life that would change because of it, but those I have helped because of my hardship....those that trusted me and chose to live another day because I had consider not to....and anyhow any change I made would not lead me to what I love most in my life now....shows how much value is in those moments I lived and experienced.
I am here because of the live I lived not in spite of it. 

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