Good morning! Living in the unknown. might be asking, 'what is that??' Well, sometimes I wish it was just a phrase, but after 17 years

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning! Living in the unknown. might be asking, 'what is that??' Well, sometimes I wish it was just a phrase, but after 17 years
I love the onset of new seasons....watching nature change and respond to the amount of Light that is available in life, regardless of temperature or circumstance is one of my greatest reminders, and encouragement
Good morning! Family day in a big way! Honestly, I was thinking some time spent with the fam all hanging out, but nooooo...short sleep, woke up and started cleaning, doing laundry, etc, etc, etc...etc, catching up on chores since we have been down for a few days (or weeks...can't remember) and we were having people over later on....tapping my foot waiting for someone to get home already LOL...finally sat down to eat something with the boys around 2pm...back to cleaning ....finally get out of the PJs and then I spot a golden moment...
So yes, I shared this random video ...boasting the health benefits of tamarind. I personally chose to share it for a reminder to myself, but not without looking into it a bit further to see if the claims are true. I suggest some background before posting if you are sharing for others to benefit from. But we are all free to use our wall how we choose. Here is a link with a bit more info and of course, you can check for yourself
Good morning! People EXPECT me to be gracious, patient, forgiving, loving, understanding, accepting. ...why? WHY? Ask yourself why you expect certain behaviours from this or that person. ...for some, it's because of what we have seen that person do with others. For others, it's because what you have decided to expect from those around and from yourself. ..Perhaps. ...but give a thought to where you are experiencing, observing, expecting love from yourself and others. ..and where you are not. And if not...then give a hard look...because Love is always in there.
Good morning!
Thank you to those who hold the framework of the human experience. Who gather together, who eagerly support and celebrate one another, who build up and maintain with care no matter where they are....who Love first and don't hold others under blame....who step back and see a fuller picture and recognize the gifts of service being done around them. Who honour the talents and passions that have been shared to benefit others and fulfill our compulsion to express inspiration. Thank you for loving and living in fullness.
Good morning! Hampster wheels, ring around the rosie, beating around the bushes, insanity, foolishness, infinity loops....when you start spinning and cycling in futility and feel trapped and seeking for you don't know what, grasping at straws or whatever seems like it might help stop the randomness or the grabbing into mid air while you are spinning too fast to see what it is you think you are looking for because it passes by you in a blur and you blame the spinning even though it is you moving your feet and body in a turn going around and around and around....but what...was it ....that got you spinning in the first place? And if you chose to "jump into" the spin, what was your intent and purpose?
Good morning!
People EXPECT me to be gracious, patient, forgiving, loving, understanding, accepting. ...why? WHY? Ask yourself why you expect certain behaviours from this or that person. ...for some, it's because of what we have seen that person do with others. For others, it's because what you have decided to expect from those around and from yourself. ..Perhaps. ...but give a thought to where you are experiencing, observing, expecting love from yourself and others. ..and where you are not. And if not...then give a hard look...because Love is always in there.
Good morning! Sometimes I forget....because I am looking out from behind the scenes...caught up in the actions of day to day living and loving remember...that I really like and enjoy who-what-why-how I am
Sent off hubby to work with essentially a milkshake and burgers for lunch...the boys got chilli and quinoa...I had a salad...LOL the facts don't nearly describe what is in the "behind the scenes " reel. The low carb, superfooded, vegetarian, backyard grown, gluten free, food scale, calculated, food prep that is/was involved to make what sounds like a basic meal LOL. I deserve a beautiful nap this afternoon. .. #cantwait #thankyouGod #upgrades #designermeals #vegetarian #worththework #wellfed
Good morning. ..I guess this is why when you see someone stranded on a deserted island or in captivity, they have "x"'s or ticks on the wall....this is day ? of interrupted sleep. .. first it was nightmares, then growing pains, and now...some deep healing needed. Prayers and love for Reds as he continues in his healthy growth and beautiful journey. ..and that I remember the tools of be grounded and rested as sleep is not as uninterrupted as it could be. I am definitely a faithful watchmen and guardian. ..that I can rest in
Good morning! WOW! What a great evening last night just being in the presence....of others so happy to celebrate, and stand in the JOY of just BEING who they are...Even those who are timid, have other things going on in their lives, have worries and concerns on their hearts and minds....can still put that aside to remember that we are all mighty forces in this world that want others to remember that they are gifts of life as well. Thank you to everyone that loves... because they can, because they feel compelled to, because they know they should and are willing to try it out first before any other option....and because they know they are... #oneLove