Good morning! I'm not going to share what I choose to do...and think...oh wait! That is a total lie. I said good morning. ...I already shared that I think it is good and that I chose to share my opinion.
For the most part, I am witnessing the dawn of a new era...all the ways we have "viewed" and speculated from moment to moment...every thought unspoken...every emotion stuffed...every expression that longed for breath has been smelted to the surface of each and everyone. ...and they are finding each other...they are experiencing being out in the open...they are looking around and finding places to settle in....but all these express something in I still needed? Or how am I being transformed now that I am in the light? They were of service once...and as they and you transition into a new realization, are you willing to let them change...and let them go?
I'm working on it, because my beautiful vision is filled with the transmuting and discovery of each soul looking out for the other...I love witnessing hearts change...people who are grieving and under attack being supported so they can finally (and safely) express the love and expectations they felt were lost...when we can truly celebrate sharing in supporting and believing we can all change for the better...and EXPECT it!
I'm working on it....would you join me?