Sometimes, when we think we are in our worst moments and expressions, it's actually providing a point of connection for others in a way that draws them out of their darkness...

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Sometimes, when we think we are in our worst moments and expressions, it's actually providing a point of connection for others in a way that draws them out of their darkness...
Good morning! Everything had a good flow this morning...until one spot where people were being held "hostage" by someone's fear to move forward and just go....this always gets me ...with the big eye rolls and head rolling back with exasperated sighs of frustration...but this morning after that routine, I realized, not only in MY life do my fears hold me back, but it's holding those around me "hostage" as well.
Ok, this morning as I called in late for work...I realized the level of intention that it takes to pick up a phone and connect (get your head over the "technology" aspect and really think about this....don't logi-fiy it, imagine...). Imagine that you are dialing up and connecting with the person on the other side of that call (like really, we are sending not only our intent, but our voice over a little tiny tube of glass? OH WAIT! Actually we are sending it through the AIR! WOW! My imagination is just blowing up with this right now....HAHAHA, nevermind, this is "actually" how we are making phone calls now....through the air and with our intentions...fantastic stuff!
Good morning! I have been thinking a lot ...about this Father's Day thing....abound sharing with my boys all the "unseen" moments that just me and my dad shared. Making "special" breakfasts and lunch together before anyone else woke up...when he used to help me with my homework (teaching himself what I was learning and then help me to figure it out)...about dad wandering through fabric and paint stores as he would test me on colours and textures...when we would drop in to one of the hotels or restaurants he decorated and visit with the kitchen staff (some I still know today) and have lunch and treats...visiting with his employers as friends...taking me with him on the job and we would talk and share for hours...teaching me to ride a bike and how to patch up my to sew and how to make bed like how he learned while working on a cruise to love what you do and celebrate the art of mastery of your own dad made his way through much challenges in his life and still does, but with what he has, he knows as long as he is breathing, he still has time to change for the better. My dad is my biggest fan...and I am his
Yesterday I was "inspired" to begin a journey...of writing and sharing with my boys my raise men. Yesterday as I started with responsibility and stewardship, I saw, within minutes, the decisions and experimenting from these young ones as they celebrated the evidence they experienced. What is good provides fruit through applied, so far so good and we are having fun and celebrating our growth and increased joy along the way. #purpose #divinefruits #beautyincharacter #raisingmen
Good morning! How is it not? Birds are singing, Sun Is shining, family is breathing, and I get to be grateful for it all. And in moments of life when the strong winds blow in, insisting on change that is due, then sometimes it seems hard to be grateful and balanced. When running is the pace and you want to be walking, it may seem hard to stop and catch a breath...My only suggestion is to observe. ..the pace is slower in the space of observation. ..the view is wider...and the head and heart can be more at ease...there is acknowledgment there...a remembering that occurs...and it's easier to adjust your direction (sails)...