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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Considering my "reflections"

 Good morning! Reflections.... they are all around us. And I see a personal responsibility, that if I can see you that I have a consider my "reflection" with heart, mind, and eyes wide open with love....or to catch a glimpse in passing and turn away.

Thank you for being seen....Sawubona ❤

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

FB Good morning post - October 30, 2013

 Good morning!!! A shift is among us....refine and make new. I am following the instructions that is flowing in and working best to be as receptive as possible.

And I am requesting prayer for success on my test tomorrow. ALL positive vibe, thoughts, visualizations, and prayers welcome 🙂
Enjoy a great, warm, and nurturing day 😃

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

FB Good morning Post - October 29, 2013

 Good morning! oooo... I know there is greatness in this day.... staying open to the possibilities, but man, am I BANKED!! hehe or hungover from some lollipops...haha, gotta flush it out

Neha Ejner, Michelle Aldrich and 3 others

Monday, October 28, 2013

Do you even care that you are breathing? What we take for granted...

 Do you even care that you are breathing? (read previous statement in a calm and concerned tone spoken with sincerity...not with a sharp, rhetoric of expectation) Or is it that you truly notice your "gift" of breath when it becomes hard to breathe? Is it when it becomes difficult or a challenge or brings pain, do you appreciate the depths to which you can simply....BREATHE!!!

I personally LOVE breathing!! And yes, it is also at time difficult for me to breathe. I've written poems about it, I love Winter the most because it has a refreshing crisp taste to it, I love breathing through all parts of my body....and most of all, I love that it is graced unvoluntarily to me and my body to give and allow me life while I AM still breathing and share in breath and inspiration.....ahhhhhh<3 The flow of it is simply beautiful if we take a moment to stop..........inhale....... and breathe.

Being at one with zero = limitless!!

 Good morning!!! Oh, it is soooo good!! Being at one with zero = limitless!!

❤ It's so beautiful! And an even greater gift to have travelled back through how I have been through my life and see that...from the space of's so inside out and awesome LOL....
Ok, back to irregular programming. 😉 Enjoying a great day before the light is out (or are we living as "negatives") ...LOL my mind is on a ROLL this morning! Loving it! Pulling all that is good forward and forgetting the rest...leave the "baggage" behind! This is a carry-on flight only HAHA...hehehe...
Whew! Laughter is SO GOOD!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

FB Good morning Post - October 27, 2013

 Good morning! 

Wow!! LOL this is going to be quite the ride today! CRAZY dream and no sleep... UGH (maybe not a dream but a deep fear bubbling to the top...gotta love the "issues") 

😛 the good news is, it snowed this morning!! (It was fun listening to the rain until about 5am....) Now I can REALLY wear my boots! ❤ (and turn on the heat ðŸ˜‰ ) God bless seasons of transition ðŸ˜‰.

#ThankyouGod #newjourney #observermode #potluck #bethechange

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Living through inspiration

 Good morning! Living through....inspiration. The constant in and out of divine ____. I trust that intention behind me being here in the first place. And for that, I give thanks


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

It's time...

 Good morning!! It's time to go deeper still....wider still....higher still.....brighter still....through humility, vulnerability, and allowing myself to receive the more I seek. It's probably RIGHT in front of my face, by my current perception seems to be missing it....time to let the focus shift so that I can see,....but in (and for) the time being, I will share from what I've got and what I can see...

Off to see what is great in the day today ❤

Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy BIRTHday!

Facebook post 7:13am October 18, 2013 (full moon and day after my birthday)

Good morning!! AM I EVER grateful to that 37 year old woman who shared with me the unity and separation of spiritual and physical, the authenticity of honouring your truest expression of soul's gratitude,... connecting soul to soul and how it changes the depth of beauty we see in all around us,...and that her final thought was to cozy into the love in decrescendo and ask "What more?" She was so filled with hope and joy and set a great foundation of leaving nothing that she could do undone (well, maybe some laundry... ) She and what she chose to live and experience will be well remembered... as the 36 year old woman before her, and the women, and girls before them.

In order to grow, things must pass on....If we knew how much we "die" in each day, we may strive to LIVE that much more. There is such beauty in "growth"...lets us allow for those moments where silence defines and gratitude fully resonates.

On that note, it was a great day yesterday...Thank to all of you being present and living to make it that much greater to enjoy

#ThankyouGod #HappyBIRTHday #allnew #grateful #alive

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Stages of growth. There is no back button

 Ever feel numb, disconnected, falling out of step or off track? I was wondering why I feel less hyped and in awe as I have just experienced over the last few amazing experience of insights, connections, "coincidences", that just washed each day with this amazing splendor and now this.... An "I don't know"-"Maybe I should be doing this..."-"How can I connect with that same intensity/joy/vigour???"

....and then I realized (or considered) the possibility of...what if, it's part of a growing process....that the last few weeks were a crescendo in a level of awareness, growth, and understanding.....and as I broke through that atmosphere, it was like I was all new again....feeling like I am starting over, but a different level....Feeling like a complete NOOB in my passions and drive and direction because its actually a new landscape......hmmmm.....
....I don't think there is EVER a "back" or "past" that we can return to, but we can FOR SURE make the most out of where we are at now....
....just a thought... ❤
You, Sara Marion, Tee Vee Ess and 2 others

Children and discipline

 Found this quote .... " LOL it's harder to discipline your children in public if you don't look good hehe" of course with my boys, this looks more like a conversation, but it keeps at the forefront of my mind that all that we do is serving someone else in one form or another....

Keeping the example loving and full of it's time to go and share in reading time 🙂

FB Good morning Post - October 10, 2013

 Good morning! Highlights from the newsfeed today...Rogers wireless is having major connection and service issues (would love to see the commercial for that one), ... US citizens continue to manipulated and are spiraling down the energetic slide with hatred, blame, and lack of personal ownership (be careful of what they are MAKING to choose to take a side on and to be distracted with...smokescreens),... people celebrating the coming of summer and winter and hating the coming of summer and winter (no season is enough), people loving the autumn colours and leaves, travellers excited for cheaper tickets and preparing for hurricanes,.... and lucky for me, MANY people sharing gratitude for love, life, and simple experiences and inspirations.

It IS a great day and if we love more, give more, serve more, and enjoy more, we can inspire one another in this great journey together. 🙂
❤ Now to get recipe hunting for the weekend 🙂

Monday, October 7, 2013

Environmental Sensitivities - Time to put on a mask...

It's been a long and winding road this journey....starting with underdeveloped lungs from being too anxious to wait for my arrival day (born 7 - 8 weeks early and thankful that both my mom and I are here to speak of it).  Then shortness of breath for most of my childhood that grew into environmentally triggered asthma and a growing sensitivity to chemicals and synthetic fragrances....and now, lets just say, I am organically designed ;)  I love nature, use nature (natural products) in my house and health and eat as much organic, super, and local as possible. 

The good news is, as I grew in honouring my body's message of stress and strife (I was not as aware as I am now), I experience a whole LOT LESS chronic and constant pain as I had before.  I had migraines, heart issues, asthma attacks, upper and lower back pain, pain behind my eyes....ALL THE TIME! And in part from not recognizing that the "fragrances" and chemicals in the products I was using was contributing to this crippling experience. (Like being paralyzed from fragrance didn't help me clue in...but oh well!!)  My immune system was depressed, I started having reactions to anesthetics, etc, etc, etc...honestly, the things that cleared up in my health and ability when I had less and less exposure to the things that harm me inside and out was amazing.

But for as good as I feel on a constant basis now, there are other moments that register as "over-exposure" for me that remind me of how strong I must have been to endure such pain on a constant basis.  And those are the moments I am navigating through on a constant basis.  It's a juggling act, going out into public gatherings, for the most part, seem as a daunting experience for me and my family.  I know what to expect, the high possibility that there will be fragrance in the environment....but depending on circulation of the building, inside or outside venues, how crowded, etc. I may or may not be able to breath as freely as I would like.  I've pushed myself in several situations over the last year (LOL testing seems to be in my character), and have found that its better to choose another solution for public experiences.

So I have been looking solutions....detoxes, switching to natural products, more houseplants, eating alkaline and organic foods, foods high in antioxidants, dealing with emotional triggers and traumas, etc., keeping my thoughts and emotions flowing and non-toxic....I have dedicated myself to non-toxic living as much as possible.  And through this, I can see how my reactions are shifting and how I have gained a larger "threshold" in "scented" sitautions.  But I don't stay in a bubble!  I go out and do what I need to, playdates, meetings over coffee, shopping.  Sometimes it works well and sometimes I come home very drained and sore and crash out for hours or even days.....and so now it has come to the point where I would like to do these things without "holding my breath". 

Now with that in mind, it does not change the fact that some people do where enough fragrance for others to taste in there mouth or to smell them a good city block away...It also doesn't change the fact that I have a very discerning palette and can identify many different types of products and fragrances and even what "scent" they are suppose to have....from fabric softeners, to laundry detergents, to deodorants, scented candles, essential oils, plants, herbs, etc.  I LOVE that I can pick out flavor or scent with the what God has graced me with.  But sometimes, too much is too much, and even when I am travelling in the public, I can see other peoples reactions to scent...without me having displayed any change or reaction myself.  AND knowing what some of these chemicals can do and ARE doing to people also helps to keep me passionate, that whether or not I can smell or sense a chemical in the environment, there is an adverse affect that it is having.....I am just thankful for the experience that I have had to make me wise in this regard....

SO, now it is mask time!!  So I can breathe more deeply and move about more freely!!  I have invested in a RESPRO mask, but will be ordering another type of their masks (Allergy Mask) to see if it is even more fresher to breathe through...

In the meantime, fresh air to you all :)